Friday, May 19, 2006

Growing Pains

Mommy has been swearing a lot lately.
Because she's been having back pains from carrying a big monkey.

Oh, and the 10 year old matress doesn't help.

I've been relegated to pain killers and heating pads. Yesterday I was starting to feel better, then I lifted Jared again. Stupid. I felt the pain immediately. But I've been making it a point to keep moving, because if I sit still too long, I get stiff. But Jared doesn't understand. He just wants Mommy to pick him up. So I've been letting him climb on me. He'll climb up when I'm sitting on the couch, and snuggle for 30 seconds, then he's off again. We're going to my sister-in-law's house tonight to get my camera that I left there, so I'm going to let her see if she can do anything for me. She's our doctor.

We were at her house last weekend for a party. She had baby Madeline baptized, and they also celebrated Devin's 3rd birthday. My heart stopped three times that day. While we were in the church, SIL was outside with Jared (the mother is not allowed in the church in the Russian Orthodox religion) and he choked on a cracker. Luckily, he coughed it up himself. The second time was when someone left the baby gate open at the top of SIL's steps, and Jared went down them. He rolled down the last few. Scared the crap out of him, but he was fine. I needed a drink at that point. Then, Bill was playing wiffleball with Chloe in their backyard. Chloe pitched, and Bill hit a line drive into Chloe's eye. She told us that her eye was blurry. SIL said we should go to the ER and have it checked out, just to be safe. Bill's parents took Jared with them and we went to Mercy's pediatric ER. We didn't wait too long, and the PA that saw Chloe was wonderful. She was thrilled because he let her call him Bill. He talked to her, not us. When we were done, the nurse gave Chloe a dog beanie baby. She took it to sunday school and then school the next day. I think I'll be seeing some gray hairs in a little bit.

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