Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Still in the Sickhouse

At least I'm getting better, and Chloe has gone back to school. Jared has an ear infection along with a head cold, and clearly hubby is dying. I've heard people with emphysema sound better...

My house has become a disaster area. Having everyone at home, has just created a huge mess, and I want it fixed! Slobs! They are all slobs!

On the other hand, I'm so excited that it is consignment sale season! There is one this week, and one next week. I love getting a bargain on kid stuff. I usually drop a ton of money at these huge sales. I come home with garbage bags full of stuff. They way kids wear clothes and shoes, there's not really much point in paying full price anyway. I usually participate in one of the sales, but I haven't had the time to label my stuff. Oh well, there's always fall and next year.

If you've stuck around through all this rambling, you certainly deserve a FREEBIE! I haven't had time in the past 2 years to work on my pysanky (see post down the blog.) So I made some digital eggs. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

These eggs are beautiful! Thank you for sharing.

Shell said...

Thanks these are beautiful. I saw a tv show about people painstakingly designing these by hand.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the wonderful eggs. They are beautiful. Hope everyone gets better soon.

Sharon aka Scrapcat4914 said...

Hope that you all get well soon!
Thank you so very much for these awesome eggs!!!!

Anonymous said...

these eggs are sooo cool! I actually had the chance last spring to make some a these little treasures...quite a feat in planning, to get them to come out the way you want...but loads of fun..thnaks for sharing.-sheryl

Anonymous said...

These are beyond beautiful! Thanks for sharing your talent with us.

Ellie said...

Thanks for the beautiful Ukranian eggs.