Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Still in the Sickhouse

At least I'm getting better, and Chloe has gone back to school. Jared has an ear infection along with a head cold, and clearly hubby is dying. I've heard people with emphysema sound better...

My house has become a disaster area. Having everyone at home, has just created a huge mess, and I want it fixed! Slobs! They are all slobs!

On the other hand, I'm so excited that it is consignment sale season! There is one this week, and one next week. I love getting a bargain on kid stuff. I usually drop a ton of money at these huge sales. I come home with garbage bags full of stuff. They way kids wear clothes and shoes, there's not really much point in paying full price anyway. I usually participate in one of the sales, but I haven't had the time to label my stuff. Oh well, there's always fall and next year.

If you've stuck around through all this rambling, you certainly deserve a FREEBIE! I haven't had time in the past 2 years to work on my pysanky (see post down the blog.) So I made some digital eggs. Enjoy!

Friday, March 02, 2007

How bad is blog neglect?

You know, I really meant to keep a current blog.

I did.

I swear.

But since Christmas, I have caught cold after cold from my loving family. Aren't they just wonderful? Oh well. It's always the mom that gets the germs. Besides, nothing blogworthy has happened. But I can still offer a lovely little freebie for you. It is some 3D Easter stickers. This package may have a clamshell, but you don't need a chainsaw to open it. Click here to download!